ミニ国際会議? It was like a mini-United Nations party♫
We held the home party last weekend.
今年一年も お世話になりました、「心のともしび」http://www.tomoshibi.or.jp/ の、マクドナル神父様と、編集部の水口さん、
Father McDonnell of「 Good shepherd's movement」
The chief editor miz.Minakuchi,
Foreign student Christi from Yemen, Azza from Oman.
My mother, my son, and his wife.
A Catholic priest, Islamic women, an eager Buddhist's my mother.
They are interesting members.
It was a party of peaceful cultural exchange.
There is a Buddhist altar for our ancestor in this living room.
Catholic's altar is located in the door of my home.
Wood carving Madonna and Child is the keepsake of Father Hayat.
また、食材に配慮が必要な イスラムのかたのために、お嫁さんが、生春巻やクッキーを作ってくれはりました。
My son's wife made the dish which considered Islamic people.
お酒もだめとのことで、最近 主人が凝っています、手作り炭酸水も、用意しました。
もともと、炭酸水好きの主人が、 国産の炭酸水にも注意しなければならなくなり(国の暫定基準値というもののために)、始めたものですが、作り方も器具も、ちょっとマニアックで、面白いのです。
They are dentist and a researcher of cancer.
And they like the tea ceremony and animation of Japan.
Father Mac said 「It was like a mini-United Nations party」
Thank you♫
I got to know later.
A dog is an impure living thing and it does not put it in a house of Islamic.
Sakura and Fuku also participated in this party.
I'm sorry.
福ちゃんは、後ろ足の麻痺のため、これまでは ちゃんとお座りすることができず、横たわる感じになっていましたが、少し前から、なんと! 普通に、お座りしています!
Since the leg of Fuku was paralyzed, she was not able to sit down.
However, she can sit down now normally from before for a while.
足先は、まだ麻痺が残っているようですが、他の筋肉で補助できるようになりましたのか、もう 全力疾走も、跳んだりはねたりも可能です!
Now, she can do also running and a jump.
I think that she reinforced with other muscles.
無表情で無口でしたが、今では よくはしゃぎ、とっても賑やかです。
She had lost voice before.
However, she is talkative now.
ただやはり、まだ 来客がありますと、びくびく逃げてばかりです。
食事の時には、わずかの物音でも 食べるのをやめて逃げ腰になってしまいますので、私はいつも、福ちゃんのご飯の間中、「だるまさんが転んだ」の遊びのように、息を潜めて、じ~っとしています(^_^;)。
However, she is still afraid of man.
She feels fear also for a small noise during a meal.
Therefore, we have to hide a breath during her meal and have to keep still.
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According to my own monitoring, millions of people on our planet receive the loan from well known creditors. So, there's a good chance to get a sba loan in all countries.
投稿: ConnerZelma | 2011年12月29日 (木) 02時44分
投稿: ゆみ | 2011年12月14日 (水) 21時38分
投稿: スズケン | 2011年12月14日 (水) 20時39分
Dear Christi
I understood
Not the dog itself but the saliva of a dog is a problem.
Since you were calm and it was quiet, I appreciate
投稿: ゆみ | 2011年12月12日 (月) 20時11分
yes.. it was mini united nation meeting but more interesting one!! for the dog in Islamic culture i want to clarify : Dog saliva is not pure in our religion so dog should not lick you or if dog eats from your plate you should clean it in a certain way.. there is no problem about dog itself :) cats are totally ok ..
投稿: christi | 2011年12月12日 (月) 16時30分